How Quickly Can You Expect Testosterone Therapy Results?

A diagnosis of testosterone deficiency can be quite a relief for men and women. It lets them know that their symptoms are not indicative of a more dire medical condition. Because low testosterone (Low T) is easily treatable, adults can look forward to significant improvements in their health and daily functions. Testosterone therapy results bring a welcome change in vitality and quality of life to men and women.

Of course, one of the most commonly asked questions is that of testosterone replacement therapy results time. It is natural to ask how soon relief from fatigue, insomnia, low libido, and weight gain will come.

Do not expect significant changes from testosterone results after 1 week. Most people do not notice any difference for at least two to three weeks. That is not to say that better sleep, improved outlook, or more energy will not happen sooner. Some people do notice slight results of testosterone therapy within the first seven days – but that is not the norm.

An excellent way to assess the before and after results of testosterone is through photographic documentation. Taking pictures at the start of treatment, and then again to compare the testosterone results after 4 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, and one year can show the total transformation journey. 

*Testosterone therapy results improve quality of life for men and women with Low T.

Are Testosterone Therapy Results Different for Men and Women?

As we begin our look into testosterone replacement therapy results, the question of male vs. female benefits is one worth examining. Many people expect that testosterone is more important for men, as it is the primary male sex hormone, but that is not the case. Testosterone is just as crucial for women, as it protects the heart, brain, muscles, and bones from decline. Untreated Low T can increase the risk of all adults developing conditions such as:

- Atherosclerosis

- Osteoporosis

- Cardiovascular disease

- Type 2 diabetes

- Obesity

- Metabolic syndrome

- Dementia 

Before and after taking testosterone, the improvement in health, appearance, and well-being is significant. Men and women report lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels, better insulin sensitivity, and considerable changes in body composition and weight loss. 

For a woman on testosterone, month to month results are similar to what men experience. The most common differences have to do with sexual performance. While men often achieve improved erectile functions, women experience better vaginal lubrication. Both genders report more sexual desire, thoughts, fantasies, and satisfaction. Men will also experience significantly more gain in muscle mass than women.

Other testosterone treatment results that differ among the genders is that of PMS and menopausal symptoms. Since men do not suffer from these issues, only women will experience these benefits. However, many males with Low T do report occasional hot flashes or night sweats, and these, too, will improve as testosterone levels normalize with treatment.

*Testosterone therapy results are similar for men and women.

How to Know If You Are Getting Testosterone Therapy Results

Understanding what to expect of results from testosterone therapy will help you know if you are on course with your treatment goals. We do not want anyone to have unrealistic expectations of what testosterone therapy can do for their bodies or lives. 

If I start testosterone therapy, how long for results to occur?

The majority of people will begin to notice minor testosterone results after 2 weeks. These changes are often limited to an overall improvement in feelings of well-being, slight increases in sleep and energy, and perhaps better focus. 

If you have not noticed any of these testosterone results after 3 weeks or 4 weeks of treatment, we recommend touching base with the hormone clinic to discuss the situation. Please remember to document your before and after testosterone therapy results with photographs. Many times, you will notice the changes that way, rather than by looking in the mirror. We often hear about less puffiness and dark circles under the eyes – a sign of improved sleep. 

Testosterone Therapy Results Timeline

The testosterone therapy results timeline below is an estimate of what to expect. Individual results may vary by as much as 4 to 6 weeks in either direction. If an additional month passes without noticing a particular benefit, please contact the hormone clinic to discuss the situation. 

- 1 month on testosterone results

By the end of the first month of treatment, most people report more energy, better sleep, and improved focus. Feelings of sexual desire (libido), arousal, and improved satisfaction are often reported. You may also notice that you have more sexual dreams and fantasies, sharper memory, less anxiety, reduced stress, and a happier mood. 

Although you will not know it for many months, testosterone is already going to work on your insulin sensitivity, inflammation markers, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. 

- 2 months on testosterone results

With each passing month, the results from the previous month continue to improve. At the end of two months of testosterone treatment, many people report less depression, significant changes in energy and endurance, better sex, and improved cognitive functions. 

- 3 months on testosterone results

After three months of testosterone therapy, the body is likely undergoing significant composition changes. Improvements in muscle mass and fat burning are evident, especially in the abdominal and truncal areas of the body. Exercise capacity improves, helping to increase weight loss and muscular strength. Better red blood cell production reverses any previous anemia issues and helps improve circulation and heart health. 

- 4 months on testosterone results

By now, body composition changes are typically evident to others. Blood pressure levels and glycemic control improvements may have begun by the end of month three and continue to improve now for up to 9 and 12 months, respectively. Most people are enjoying reduced joint pains and stiffness.

- 5 months on testosterone results

PMS symptoms, hot flashes, night sweats, and other menopausal symptoms are often significantly reduced if not long gone by now. 

- 6 months on testosterone results

Men may experience a rise in PSA levels, along with better prostate health and urinary issues. Bone mineral density begins to improve and will continue to do so for many years. 

Getting the Maximum Benefit from Your Testosterone Therapy Results

Maintaining the benefits of testosterone treatment before and after getting started is just as crucial as achieving the results in the first place. Actions you take can hinder reaching your goals, or they can speed the time at which you get to where you want to be. 

Before and after testosterone replacement therapy, remember that daily lifestyle habits can interfere with your body’s production and use of testosterone. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland are control centers of the brain that regulate many critical hormone levels. They do much of their work at night, while we are in deep, slow-wave sleep. That is also when large supplies of testosterone and growth hormone enter the bloodstream and go to work. A lack of sleep lowers testosterone and GH levels significantly, causing weight gain and reductions in critical functions associated with these hormones. Getting between seven and nine hours of sleep each night is crucial for optimum hormone levels and functions. 

The next step you can take is weight loss if you are overweight. Men and women with low testosterone levels are more likely to be overweight than normal testosterone levels. Reducing weight can help increase testosterone. Intermittent fasting is an excellent way to help support hormone production and weight loss. 

Exercising during the day can also help increase testosterone levels. One caveat to this is that men should avoid extended aerobic or cardio exercise that goes for longer than 30 minutes as that can further lower testosterone levels.

Finally, stress reduction is crucial, as the stress hormone cortisol inhibits sleep and testosterone hormone production. 

To learn more about testosterone therapy results, please contact our hormone therapy clinic for a free phone consultation today.